Pavol Štec


The subject of this diploma paper is handling the issue of probability of failure to components in the programming environment of MS Excel based on the Weibull distribution. We came way is possible using the free software package to calculate the probability of failure, respectively, the probability of survival component. We address and introduction to the issue of the probability of survival, describing concepts such as reliability, durability risk. In view of the fact that, for determining the probability of failure to the component respectively survival should be properly estimated symbol probability distribution, in this work we analyze, clarify the distribution of all types of modeling, such as exponential, Poisson, gamma, log - normal and normal distribution. It contains all the necessary information that we have so that we can recognize this issue and so that we can successfully calculate the probability of failure to the components. So also it details the Weibull distribution, the specifics and the way including all necessary formulas. The second part is devoted to specific examples in which we described the procedures to calculate the probability of failure and how to create the algorithm in the programming environment of MS Excel to calculate the probability. The work includes instructions for calculating the probability shows how we can draw graphs of the probability of failure to the components and how we can determine, respectively, to calculate the probability at different numbers of loading cycles. It stresses the importance of calculations and thus also factors that have the probability of failure calculations great impact and the sheer importance of estimating survival probability respectively failure of component in aviation.


Weibull analysis; Probability of failure; Survival graph; component; reliability; risk; modeling; continuous distribution; discrete distribution; Commands Ms Excel

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